Cybersecurity Risk Management For Essential 8 Compliance

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Meet the Certification Requirements of the Australian Essential 8 Cybersecurity Regulation while managing compliance with ALL your IT Security requirements… regardless of source.

Cybersecurity Risk Management For Essential 8 Compliance

Measure and Manage Performance Against the Essential 8 Mitigation Strategies

The Australian Cybersecurity Centre (ACSC) compiled a list of mitigation strategies that organisations can use as starting points to improve their cyber resilience. While no single mitigation strategy is guaranteed to prevent cybersecurity incidents, they identified eight essential mitigation strategies that should be implemented as a baseline where practicable.

The Essential 8 mitigation strategies are designed to protect Microsoft Windows-based internet-connected networks:

  1. Application Controls
  2. Patch Applications
  3. Configure Macros
  4. User Application Hardening
  5. Restrict Admin Privileges
  6. Patch OS Systems
  7. Multi-Factor Authentication
  8. Daily Backups

Manage Your Security with The Tools You Already Use

Compliance Manager GRC allows you to use all your current IT security tools, software, and systems to meet the requirements of The Essential 8 Cybersecurity Maturity Model…while you maintain compliance with all your other IT requirements, regardless of source. The builtin Standard Management Template allows you to quickly determine if you can “check the boxes” for every requirement, identifies the gaps, and automatically prepares all of the documents you need for compliance.

Request a Demo today and discover the advantages of Compliance Manager GRC, the purpose-built compliance process management platform for MSPs.


Full-Featured to Manage the Essential 8 Along with All Your Other IT Requirements

Compliance Manager GRC is simple to use, and you don’t have to be a compliance expert to manage the specific
parameters for the Essential 8 Maturity Model. Pick the Maturity Level and Compliance Manager GRC automatically loads
the specific requirements and controls you need to implement to be in compliance. Best of all, you can also track
everything that’s in scope for your IT operation at the same time, and on the same dashboard, regardless of source.

Quickly Benchmark Your Current Maturity Level & Identify Any Gaps

Within the Essential 8 framework, four maturity levels have been defined (Maturity Level Zero through to Maturity Level Three). Perform the Rapid Baseline Assessment to determine your level.


Maturity Level 0

This maturity level signifies there are weaknesses in an organisation’s overall cyber security posture. When exploited, these weaknesses could facilitate the compromise of the confidentiality of their data, or the integrity or availability of their systems and data.

Maturity Level 1

This maturity level focuses on criminals operating with a modest step-up in capability from the
previous maturity level. These adversaries are willing to invest more time actively targeting
credentials using phishing and employing technical and social engineering techniques to circumvent
weak, multi-factor authentication. Generally, criminals in this group are more selective in their
targeting, but still somewhat conservative in the time, money, and effort they invest in a target.
Depending on their intent, adversaries may also destroy data (including backups) accessible to an
account with special privileges.

Maturity Level 2

This maturity level signifies there are weaknesses in an organisation’s overall cyber security posture. When exploited, these weaknesses could facilitate the compromise of the confidentiality of their data, or the integrity or availability of their systems and data.

Maturity Level 3

This maturity level focuses on criminals who are more adaptive and much less reliant on public tools
and techniques. These hackers exploit the opportunities provided by weaknesses in their target’s
cyber security posture, such as the existence of older software or inadequate logging and
monitoring. These criminals are more focused on targets and are willing to invest some effort into
circumventing the policy and technical security controls implemented by their targets. Once a
foothold is gained on a system, adversaries will seek to gain privileged credentials or password
hashes, pivot to other parts of a network, and cover their tracks. Depending on their intent,
adversaries may also destroy data (including backups).


Whether complying with Essential 8, tracking terms of your cyber risk insurance policy, or making sure your own IT policies and procedures are being followed, Compliance Manager GRC helps you Get IT All Done at the same time, and in the same place. No other Compliance Management software gives you this kind of flexibility.


Assuring Essential 8 compliance – and all your other IT requirements – is easy with Compliance Manager GRC. You get more work done with less labor, thanks to automated data collection, automated management plans, and automated document generation.


Compliance Manager GRC is affordable, yet boasts the power and functionality most often found in expensive, enterprise-class governance, risk, and compliance platforms. Whether you manage compliance for your own organization, or are an MSP delivering compliance-as-a-service, there’s a sensible subscription for you.

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  • Reduce Risk
  • Reduce Complexity
  • Save Money
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