On-Demand Webinar
MSP Crash Course: How To Sell and Deliver HIPAA Compliance Services
This recording of a live webinar is specifically for MSPs who want to deliver a HIPAA compliance offering as an integrated part of their IT services for healthcare clients.
HIPAA compliance is not only a requirement for the 700,000 “Covered Entities” of U.S. healthcare providers, health plans and health clearinghouses. It’s also a requirement for the 2 million-plus “Business Associates” that work with them.
The biggest challenge for MSPs who already offer HIPAA compliance services is figuring out how to deliver this service efficiently – so their clients can afford it, and they can make a bigger profit from it.
And the biggest challenge for MSPs who want to start offering a HIPAA Compliance service is getting up-to-speed about all of the IT requirements they need to follow.
During this webinar we’ll give you solutions to both of these challenges.
If you’re new to HIPAA and want to get in the game, MSP Coach and noted HIPAA expert Mike Semel will explain what’s required specifically from the perspective of the IT Service requirements of HIPAA compliance.
And, if you already have clients that you assist with HIPAA Compliance, Compliance Manager GRC General Manager Max Pruger will show you how to easily integrate HIPAA Compliance into your overall IT security programs. You’ll kill multiple IT Security birds with one software stone – saving a ton of time, and making more money.