Thank you for your interest in our data sheet, “Compliance for Cyber Liability Insurance“.
If you’re an MSP, your clients need you to make sure they are continually meeting the IT security requirements spelled out in their cyber risk insurance policy applications . . . Otherwise, if there’s a breach on your watch and your clients attempt to file a claim, the insurance company’s auditors will catch any deficiencies and compliance gaps . . . and there goes their payout.
Compliance Manager GRC makes it easy for you to conduc a Rapid Baseline Assessment to see if their are any gaps, and if so, get your clients to sign up for a service to get them in compliance, and keep them in compliance with the terms of their insurance policies. That means incremental recurring revenue, but assurance that your clients will have the funds to pay you to help them recover in the event of a breach.
And, as a bonus, with Compliance Manager GRC, you can track compliance with your own IT policies and procedures. You never know when one of your security programs stop working, and Compliance Manager GRC will let you know.
Download the data sheet, and then request a demo of Compliance Manager GRC.